The Imaginary Journal of Poetic Economics: Dramatic Growth of Open Access September 30, 2020

heather.morrison's.bookmarks 2020-10-01


While many aspects of our lives and activities have slowed down during the COVID pandemic, this has not been the case with open access! The OA initiatives tracked through this series continue to show  strong growth on an annual and quarterly basis. Important milestones are being reached, and others will be coming soon. Highlights The Directory of Open Access Journals now lists over 15,000 fully open access, peer reviewed journals, having added 379 journals (> 4 per day) in the past quarter, and now provides searching for over 5 million articles at the article level.   A PubMed search for "cancer" limited to literature from the past 5 years now links to full-text for over 50% of the articles. The Bielefeld Academic Search Engine now cross-searches over 8,000 repositories and will soon surpass the milestone of a quarter billion documents.  Anyone worried about running out of cultural materials during the pandemic will be relieved to note that the Internet Archive has exceeded a milestone of 6 million movies in addition to over 27 million texts (plus audio, concerts, TV, collections, webpages, and software).


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10/01/2020, 15:49

Date published:

10/01/2020, 11:49