Heading to the Courthouse for Sandvig v. Sessions | Social Media Collective

djones's bookmarks 2017-10-19


"You may recall that the ACLU, academic researchers (including me), and journalists are bringing suit against the government to challenge the constitutionality of “The Worst Law in Technology” — the US law that criminalizes most online research. Our hopes are simple: Researchers and reporters should not fear prosecution or lawsuits when we seek to obtain information that would otherwise be available to anyone, by visiting a Web site, recording the information we see there, and then publishing research results based on what we find."



From feeds:

Berkman Klein » djones's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » lkfitz's bookmarks



Date tagged:

10/19/2017, 21:12

Date published:

10/19/2017, 06:42