From Finding Aids to Wiki Pages: Remixing Archival Metadata with RAMP

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-09-16


The Remixing Archival Metadata Project (RAMP) is a lightweight web-based editing tool that is intended to let users do two things: (1) generate enhanced authority records for creators of archival collections and (2) publish the content of those records as Wikipedia pages. The RAMP editor can extract biographical and historical data from EAD finding aids to create new authority records for persons, corporate bodies, and families associated with archival and special collections (using the EAC-CPF format). It can then let users enhance those records with additional data from sources like VIAF and WorldCat Identities. Finally, it can transform those records into wiki markup so that users can edit them directly, merge them with any existing Wikipedia pages, and publish them to Wikipedia through its API.


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป Amyluv's bookmarks


oa.metadata oa.ead oa.ramp oa.archives oa.wikipedia oa.glam_wiki oa.museums oa.wikis oa.glam oa.crowd

Date tagged:

09/16/2017, 12:10

Date published:

09/16/2017, 08:10