Digitization Cost Calculator 2.0 needs your data

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-09-16


Working groups make the DLF community an effective agent of change and help our members get things done. The cost assessment subcommittee...has been hard at work developing a Digitization Cost Calculator, a tool that provides estimates of time and cost to those planning digitization projects...The group now calls for contributions of data in order to move the calculator forward. The more data contributed, the more useful the calculator’s estimates will be, and data is currently limited. All data submitted will be made publicly available, both in aggregate and as exact data."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Amyluv's bookmarks


oa.dlf oa.digitization oa.tools oa.cost_calculator oa.data oa.costs

Date tagged:

09/16/2017, 14:44

Date published:

09/16/2017, 10:45