Demystifying Science – Seeing is Believing - Bayer - Crop Science

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-10-01


After many years involved in conducting research to evaluate the safety of our products, I’m still surprised that there are many people who not only don’t appreciate the incredible accomplishments of modern agriculture, but who also believe that its products and practices threaten people, wildlife and the environment. Where I see miraculous innovations that will help sustainably feed the world, they see a profit-driven industry with no regard to safety. Why do we view the world through such different lenses?


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Amyluv's bookmarks

Tags: oa.open_science oa.pharma oa.social_media oa.funding oa.transparency oa.lay oa.patents

Date tagged:

10/01/2017, 22:08

Date published:

10/01/2017, 18:08