A preprints goldmine at ScienceOpen - ScienceOpen Blog

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-10-17


"A preprints goldmine at ScienceOpen October 16, 2017 Author: Jon Tennant Did you know that we have more than 1.3 million preprints on ScienceOpen? Preprints are first-draft research manuscripts, and have been around for as long as the Web has existed. Some researchers, like physicists, have been posting them online for almost 3 decades, taking advantage of the rapid communication capabilities that the internet enabled. Now, researchers in the Life Sciences and other fields are catching up, with platforms like bioRxiv, the Center for Open Science, as well as the ASAPbio initiative."



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Date tagged:

10/17/2017, 21:07

Date published:

10/17/2017, 17:07