CPT+10: A Bright Future for Open Education | Weiterbildungsblog

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-10-19


From Google translate:

""CPT" stands for the Cape Town Open Education Declaration, which was signed ten years ago. Remember Mark Surman (Mozilla Foundation) and Philipp Schmidt (MIT Media Lab), who were there. In time for the anniversary and the UNESCO Open Educational Resources Conference in Ljubljana, there is now CPT + 10, "an effort to look back at the work of the last ten years, and point forward, by mapping out ten" action points "that the movement important for the next decade of our work ".

The authors emphasize three points: "Empowering the Next Generation", "Thinking Outside the Institution (Box)" and "Copyright Reform for Education". And they also point out that the subject of Open Education is not a self-running: "There is a lot to be proud of. But we have not made anything. Not even close. "
Mark Surman and Philipp Schmidt, MIT Media Lab, 20th Septemb"



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Date tagged:

10/19/2017, 22:03

Date published:

10/19/2017, 18:03