The Year in Open Access (sort of a long read) | IFLA New Professionals Special Interest Group

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-10-24


"Most summaries of open access focus on analysis of the present obstacles in the way of greater openness, the details of the day-to-day toil of wresting scholarship (which is often accomplished for the sake of the public good) from behind the paywalls of plutocrats— or what Ms. Pérez-Salmerón references in her acceptance speech as “information for all.” This work has brought us a long way fast and if you read to the end, after we examine the major dramas, there will be highlights of the year’s most encouraging victories. Nevertheless, events of the last year suggest that the open access movement faces complex problems that pertain not to the practical issues of openness, but the technical infrastructure of access. These are problems we will also overcome, but doing so will mean attention and advocacy within spheres that we may have neglected or left for others. So, I begin with an alert: fellow travelers, we will all need good walking shoes."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Amyluv's bookmarks

Tags: oa.oa_week oa.trends oa.obstacles oa.advocacy oa.drm oa.publishing oa.copyright

Date tagged:

10/24/2017, 17:44

Date published:

10/24/2017, 13:44