Towards an Ethical Framework for Open Recognition – Open Recognition – Medium

Amyluv's bookmarks 2017-12-02


"“Open Recognition” is the association of two words that, when taken independently, cover such a wide range of connotations and values that they can easily become confusing, while, when combined, they provide a powerful concept to discriminate between open/closed, recognition/rejection, inclusion/exclusion. For example, the very first Open Badge technologies were designed in such a way that individuals were de facto denied the right to recognise others, and therefore prevented the development of Open Recognition practices. The technology standard was open, the software implementing the standard was also open, but the recognition process was mainly closed. The 2.0 Open Badge Standard creates the conditions to put an end to this contradiction and enable the emergence of Open Recognition ecosystems."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Amyluv's bookmarks

Tags: oa.ethics oa.oer oa.quality

Date tagged:

12/02/2017, 13:21

Date published:

12/02/2017, 08:21