EDP Sciences - EDP Sciences celebrates International Open Access Week 2019
Amyluv's bookmarks 2019-11-18
International Open Access Week 2019 is a key event in the scholarly communications calendar and celebrated through a variety of events and activities. This year’s theme is “Open for Whom? Equity in Open Knowledge” which highlights an important question. “As the transition to a system for sharing knowledge that is open by default accelerates, the question “open for whom?” is essential—both to consider and to act upon.” ( Nick Shockey, SPARC).
As an academic publisher founded and owned by learned societies, EDP Sciences actively supports open access and publishes many open access journals, books and conference proceedings. “A considerable number of our journals are either full open access or included in transformative agreements with countries, institutions and consortia supporting us in our transition to full open access. EDP Sciences is actively engaged in integrating additional journals and institutions in existing transformative agreements and negotiating further agreements.” (France Citrini, Associate Publishing Director)