Open Access Week 2012 | Scholarly Communication Program

Amyluv's bookmarks 2012-10-18


"Open Access Week is almost here, and events are being planned at Columbia and all over the world! This week of events is an opportunity for supporters of open access to celebrate its growth and focus on the work still ahead. The Open Access Week website sums up the reason for all the excitement: 'Open Access (OA) has the potential to maximize research investments, increase the exposure and use of published research, facilitate the ability to conduct research across available literature, and enhance the overall advancement of scholarship.' This year's theme, 'Set the default to open access,' encourages the scholarly community to incorporate openness into all aspects of the research process. Be aware of your rights, and plan for OA, when you conduct your research or write your thesis. Negotiate with publishers so you retain the rights you need to distribute your work widely. And make your work accessible, and reusable, online so that libraries and other users can discover and benefit from it. At Columbia, start the OA Week fun on Monday, October 22, with a workshop on copyright and electronic filing for students who are writing theses. On Tuesday, October. 23, participate in a roundtable discussion with librarians on open access and building library collections. On Wednesday, October 24, come to Butler Library to screen a webcast–featuring Kenneth Crews of the Columbia Copyright Advisory Office–on publication agreements. View the event details below, and please join us! ..."


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Date tagged:

10/18/2012, 11:07

Date published:

10/18/2012, 07:07