Forschungsdaten effizient und hochwertig managen (Manage research data efficiently and with high quality)

Kirstine's bookmarks 2017-11-20


From Google's English:


"The University of Trier and the Leibniz Center for Psychological Information and Documentation (ZPID) are launching a joint project on research data management at universities and non-university research institutions. The project "PODMAN - Process-oriented development of management tools for research data in the life cycle" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for two years. In a survey, the service center eSciences, which is responsible for the University of Trier, found that there is still a great demand among researchers for information on the handling of research data and tailor-made technical solutions. "That's why it's crucial general guidelines for handling research data as well as technical and data-specific standards should be understandable and easily accessible, "says Marina Lemaire, coordinator of the PODMAN project at the eSciences service center. The aim of the project is to develop a general model that helps universities and research institutes to operate efficient and high-quality research data management."


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Marina Lemaire

Date tagged:

11/20/2017, 02:13

Date published:

11/19/2017, 21:13