Stadt Wien bringt offene Daten auf die Blockchain (City of Vienna brings open data to the blockchain)
Kirstine's bookmarks 2018-01-07
From Google's English:
""The application of blockchain solutions in administration seems paradoxical at first, because it questions the authority as a mediator between state and citizens," says Ulrike Huemer, CIO (Chief Information Officer) of the City of Vienna. However, the city administration had nevertheless decided to put Open Government Data on a block chain. Thus, citizens are to be given the opportunity to retrieve this data and to be able to independently view and check the authenticity and history of the data independently of an intermediary institution.
This first Blockchain pilot will go live on December 14th, the project will be presented at an event of the Open Government Platform Vienna. "We see great potential in terms of simplifying administrative processes and democratic interaction," says Huemer. The pilot was implemented by Municipal Department 14 with support from EY (Ernst & Young). In addition, further blockchain applications are to be implemented."