Open Access, data capitalism and academic publishing

Kirstine's bookmarks 2018-03-04


Open Access (OA) is widely considered a breakthrough in the history of academic publishing, rendering the knowledge produced by the worldwide scientific community accessible to all. In numerous countries, national governments, funding institutions and research organisations have undertaken enormous efforts to establish OA as the new publishing standard. The benefits and new perspectives, however, cause various challenges. This essay addresses several issues, including that OA is deeply embedded in the logic and practices of data capitalism. Given that OA has proven an attractive business model for commercial publishers, the key predictions of OA-advocates, namely that OA would liberate both scientists and tax payers from the chains of global publishing companies, have not become true. In its conclusion, the paper discusses the opportunities and pitfalls of non-commercial publishing.


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Tags: oa.switzerland oa.collaboration oa.publishing oa.funders oa.business_models oa.journals oa.books oa.medicine oa.stem oa.economics_of oa.sales oa.repositories oa.fees


Michael Hagner

Date tagged:

03/04/2018, 13:53

Date published:

03/04/2018, 08:53