BLOG: Open Data - CHNT Vienna

Kirstine's bookmarks 2018-05-27


Digital cultural heritage requires a two-part approach. First, the accurate and scientifically valid documentation of cultural heritage monuments and artifacts requires an integration of geospatial techniques, visualization, virtualization, and computer modeling with archaeology, art, and architecture. This necessitates both broad and specialized training of practitioners and creates, by default, a multi-disciplinary approach. Second, making these data useful, and making data and results available to the public is essential. This requires access to long-term digital storage and curation, easily managed databases, and the support of local and regional administrations. The public owns its cultural heritage. Public funding sponsors our work and we owe our citizens access to the results of their taxation.


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป Kirstine's bookmarks

Tags: oa.austria oa.psi oa.digitization oa.collaboration oa.infrastructure a.preservation oa.funds oa.funders oa.platforms oa.history oa.3d oa.access oa.discussions oa.digital_humanities oa.ssh oa.humanities

Date tagged:

05/27/2018, 05:43

Date published:

05/27/2018, 01:43