"Todesdrohungen": Klagen über Lobbying überschatten EU-Copyright-Entscheid ("Death threats": Complaints about lobbying overshadow EU copyright decision)

Kirstine's bookmarks 2018-07-16


From Google's English:

"After the pause of the negotiations on the copyright reform decided by the European Parliament, the nerves of MPs and lobbyists are still bright.

The European Parliament has postponed a decision on its position on the contested copyright reform on Thursday. Over the summer, it should be reconsidered and voted on in plenary in September in the first reading. In many cases, network circles therefore speak of a stage victory, as the upload filters contained in the recommendation of the Legal Committee and a five-year ancillary copyright for press publishers on the Internet could at least initially be stopped. But at the same time, the indignation is about a lobbying unprecedented in size."



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Date tagged:

07/16/2018, 13:14

Date published:

07/16/2018, 09:14