Academy of Europe: The Future of Research

Kirstine's bookmarks 2019-07-05


The bold ambition behind Plan S is to ensure that full open access to published research finally becomes a reality. Yet, what does it mean for the future of research? Join us for this international event at KU Leuven on 5th-6th November 2019, where our distinguished panels of experts will debate the prospects for researchers, universities, learned societies and academies.  The conference is free and open to all, and includes a welcome reception at the historic University Library on the evening before the conference.  This event is a collaboration between the Academia Europaea Cardiff Knowledge Hub, the Young Academy of EuropeKU Leuven Libraries and Cardiff University. Further details and registration information may be found on Eventbrite.  The event is generously supported by the Academia Europaea 2019 Hubert Curien Initiative Fund


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07/05/2019, 05:19

Date published:

07/05/2019, 01:19