Offenheit im globalen Lockdown: Ein Zukunftsmodell für die Wissenschaft? (Openness in the global lockdown: a future model for science?)

Kirstine's bookmarks 2020-05-16


From Google's English: 

'Since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic, researchers have been presenting their research results and recommendations on the challenges of the crisis on various channels. More than ever, they are heard and influenced not only in specialist circles, but also in politics, in the media and in the population, not infrequently with direct effects on social and political life. Open science - free access to knowledge, the transparent exchange of knowledge and the unlimited participation of research results in society - seems to be becoming a mass phenomenon. It is paradoxical: in times of lockdowns and global border closures, research is becoming more open than ever.'



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Kirstine's bookmarks

Tags: oa.germany oa.german oa.open_science oa.medicine oa.access oa.humanitarian oa.paywalls oa.jif oa.preprints oa.rdm oa.infrastructure oa.reuse oa.metrics oa.versions

Date tagged:

05/16/2020, 12:25

Date published:

05/16/2020, 08:25