Lost Reasearch: Many online-only open-access journals have “gone dark” with publishers unable to maintain these - The Financial Express

Kirstine's bookmarks 2020-09-28


Earlier this month, a study found that 84 online-only, open access journals in the sciences and close to 100 in social sciences and humanities have “vanished” or “gone dark” from the internet over the past two decades as publishers stopped maintaining them. Another 900 journals are at the risk of vanishing, as per a report by Science on the study. Even with some of the studies published in them possibly available in universities to which the researchers who published in these journals were affiliated—or some studies perhaps now housed in publications that are paywalled—a wealth of research has perhaps been lost forever.



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Date tagged:

09/28/2020, 06:11

Date published:

09/28/2020, 02:16