Requiem for impact factors and high publication charges < LaLIST

Kirstine's bookmarks 2021-04-28


“Journal impact factors, publication charges and assessment of quality and accuracy of scientific research are critical for researchers, managers, funders, policy makers, and society. (…) We review and comment on the advantages and disadvantages of a range of assessment methods and the way in which they are used by researchers, managers, employers and publishers. We argue that new approaches to assessment are required to provide a realistic and comprehensive measure of the value of research and journals and we support open access publishing at a modest, affordable price to benefit research producers and consumers. (…) "


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Kirstine's bookmarks

Tags: oa.france oa.jif oa.publishers oa.assessment oa.costs oa.prices oa.economics_of oa.quality oa.journals oa.metrics

Date tagged:

04/28/2021, 10:34

Date published:

04/28/2021, 06:34