EUA, CESAER and Science Europe call on publishers to provide clarity on Open Access

Kirstine's bookmarks 2021-06-18


The European University Association (EUA), the CESAER association of universities of science and technology, and Science Europe, the European association of public research performing and research funding organisations, have issued a joint statement calling on all publishers to fully respect researchers’ rights, to end the use of restrictions and embargoes, and to stop requiring researchers to sign over their rights. The statement was issued on 25 May 2021 and is a strong show of support for Open Science and Open Access.


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Tags: oa.austria oa.europe oa.funders oa.publishers oa.agreements oa.authors oa.repositories oa.open_science oa.eua oa.cesaer oa.science_europe oa.rights-retention oa.plan_s

Date tagged:

06/18/2021, 13:47

Date published:

06/18/2021, 09:47