Ouvrir la Science - Second National Plan for Open Science

Kirstine's bookmarks 2021-07-09


"The National Plan for Open Science has provided France with a coherent and dynamic policy in the field of open science. It was announced in 2018 by the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Frédérique Vidal, and is coordinated by the Committee for Open Science, which brings together the Ministry, the research and higher education establishments and the scientific community. Substantial progress has been made in the three years since this policy was introduced. The percentage of open access scientific publications in France has risen from 41% to 56%. Once the National Fund for Open Science had been created, it launched two calls for projects to promote open science publication and provided support for international structuring initiatives. The National Research Agency (Agence nationale de la recherche, ANR) and other funding agencies now ask the projects they fund to make the publications available as open access and draw up data management plans. The post of research data ministerial governor was created and a network of such governors is currently being deployed in the establishments. Around twenty universities and research organisations now have an open science policy. Several guides and recommendations for putting open science into practice have been published.. The progress already made and the changes in the international context induced us to extend, renew and strengthen our commitments by adopting a second National Plan for Open Science, which will take effect until 2024. With this new plan, France is continuing its ambitious trajectory initiated by the Digital Republic Act of 2016 and confirmed by the Research Programming Law of 2020, which includes open science as one of the missions of researchers and teacher-researchers. This second National Plan extends the scope to include source code from research, structures actions promoting data sharing and openness through the creation of the Recherche Data Gouv (Gov Data Research) platform, increases the number of transformative levers available to generalise the practice of open science and is divided up into different disciplines and themes. It is firmly attached to a European-wide vision and, in the context of the French presidency of the European Union, proposes to act in favour of open science being effectively taken into account in both individual and collective assessments for research. This involves initiating a process of sustainable transformation in order to ensure that open science becomes a common and shared practice, encouraged by the whole international ecosystem of higher education, research and innovation...."



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Date tagged:

07/09/2021, 09:24

Date published:

07/09/2021, 05:24