Enabling more Open Science in the energy sector | REVOLVE

Kirstine's bookmarks 2021-08-08


Accelerating the energy transition is an urgent priority for Europe, with scientists indicating that keeping global temperature rise to under 2°C is becoming increasingly unlikely. A series of necessary, but ambitious environmental targets have been set by the EU Green Deal, yet these mean reforms are needed across the energy sector, with further research required for us to better understand how to facilitate this change. Therefore, for Europe to achieve these goals, accurate, open-source data is a priority to provide scientists and energy experts with the information needed to protect our planet’s future and accelerate the energy transition.



From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » peter.suber's bookmarks
Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » Kirstine's bookmarks


oa.new oa.open_science oa.energy oa.environment oa.stem oa.data oa.genres oa.dynamic oa.semantic

Date tagged:

08/08/2021, 16:09

Date published:

08/08/2021, 04:11