A Rule of Persons, Not Machines: The Limits of Legal Automation by Frank A. Pasquale :: SSRN

amarashar's bookmarks 2018-03-07


However, legal automation can also elide or exclude important human values, necessary improvisations, and irreducibly deliberative governance. Due process, appeals, and narratively intelligible explanation from persons, for persons, depend on forms of communication that are not reducible to software. Language is constitutive of these aspects of law. To preserve accountability and a humane legal order, these reasons must be expressed in language by a responsible person. This basic requirement for legitimacy limits legal automation in several contexts, including corporate compliance, property recordation, and contracting. A robust and ethical legal profession respects the flexibility and subtlety of legal language as a prerequisite for a just and accountable social order. It ensures a rule of persons, not machines.



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Date tagged:

03/07/2018, 17:25

Date published:

03/07/2018, 12:25