Guía de Derecho Autor para bibliotecas y repositorios by Indecopi Oficial - issuu

alespierno's bookmarks 2018-05-04


[From google translate] Copyright Guide for Libraries and Repositories  

In contrast to ancient libraries, which did not open their doors to just anyone, but only to a few chosen ones who could consult their contents; modern libraries are open to the general public and, today, thanks to information and communication technologies - especially the Internet - to the whole world. In this sense, this guide focuses on the application of copyright in the activities carried out by public libraries and repositories, in their various forms, since they are the ones that most frequently present a series of questions and doubts when managing their archives and providing their collections and services; without prejudice to the fact that the information provided may also be applicable to private or restricted access libraries and repositories.


From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » alespierno's bookmarks

Tags: oa.spanish oa.libraries oa.preservation oa.glam oa.orphans oa.pd oa.digitization oa.fair_use oa.legislation oa.patents oa.repositories oa.copyright oa.creative_commons

Date tagged:

05/04/2018, 10:42

Date published:

05/04/2018, 06:42