Expertos reclaman revisar el sistema de evaluación de los investigadores para impulsar la ciencia abierta - Noticia - ISGLOBAL

alespierno's bookmarks 2018-10-12


[google transl.] The revision of the system of evaluation of research personnel is essential to promote open science.

Experts and experts, convened by B-Debate, an initiative of Biocat and Obra Social "la Caixa", agreed that the revision of the evaluation system for research personnel is essential to promote open science, a movement that promotes a science that is more accessible to everyone, that is effective, reproducible and transparent.

Currently, many times the evaluation of a researcher's professional career continues to focus on the number of publications and the impact factor of the scientific journals where his or her articles appear. Various international movements have already stressed the importance of revising this system to improve the way in which the quality of research results and impact are assessed, such as the San Francisco Declaration on Research Evaluation. Apart from quantity, research evaluation must also take quality into account.


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Date tagged:

10/12/2018, 07:17

Date published:

10/12/2018, 03:17