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ab1630's bookmarks 2018-01-06


Google English: "Research teams must develop methods for evaluating open research. Today, there is greater demand for both the research and its results to be accessible to all. But it has also created the need for new ways to measure and weigh the research. In a new project, a Danish research team will develop tools that in future can follow the development of research and its impact in society.

Denmark's Electronic Research Library has granted 5.5 million. In support of a new research project, OPERA (OPEn Research Analytics), to provide insights, experiences, competencies and analytical tools that capture key aspects of research publishing, research collaboration, research networks and research communication across scientific main areas. The aim of the project is to ensure that libraries and research analysis units can be more widely regarded as professional and competent collaborators for management and administration at universities."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » ab1630's bookmarks

Tags: oa.danish oa.denmark oa.libraries oa.hei oa.impact

Date tagged:

01/06/2018, 14:05

Date published:

01/06/2018, 09:05