Open Educational Resources and Social Justice Course Syllabus | Oregon State University

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-03-07


Course syllabus for HC 407 Honors College Course "Open Educational Resources and Social Justice," Oregon State University. Last updated: 03-31-2017

"Description: The rising costs of higher education including textbooks and other course materials creates financial, legal, and social barriers to essential educational materials. In this course, we will explore the philosophy behind the Open Access movement, the belief that educational and research materials should be freely available. We will locate and review open access and open education resources and investigate the different issues surrounding the use of open access materials including copyright. We will examine the Open Access movement within the larger framework of social justice and educational equality. We will have several projects, which may include creating a guide to open education resources on a specific topic. Activities will include creating a guide to help instructors select open access resources for their courses, faculty and student interviews, creating OA marketing tools, and reflections on reading and discussions.

Instructors: Maura Valentino, Assistant Professor; Stefanie Buck, Associate Professor

Course Goal: Explore the Open Access movement and its educational, social, political, and cultural impacts; examine the many issues surrounding the use of Open Access materials in education and research; and formulate ideas regarding the future of open access materials; consider the role of the open access movement within the larger social justice movement...."


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Date tagged:

03/07/2018, 11:04

Date published:

03/07/2018, 06:29