New Privacy Information Notice: Directory of Open Access Journals | News Service

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-05-26


"In accordance with the guidelines laid out by the GDPR, DOAJ has published a privacy information notice:

Please take a few moments to review the Policy. It includes information on:

  1. the information we collect from you and how we use it;
  2. why we need to collect personal data;
  3. how we store personal data;
  4. how we process it;
  5. for how long we store that data and when we delete data;
  6. who we share data with;
  7. how to delete your account and request that your personal data is deleted;
  8. how to submit a subject access request (SAR) to us;
  9. how to withdraw consent;
  10. how to complain....."


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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป ab1630's bookmarks

Tags: oa.doaj oa.policies oa.privacy oa.metadata

Date tagged:

05/26/2018, 14:06

Date published:

05/26/2018, 10:07