Gold Open Access Journals by Country 2012-2017 « Walt at Random

ab1630's bookmarks 2018-06-09


"I’m delighted to announce that Gold Open Access Journals by Country 2012-2017 is now available as a $7.50 trade paperback from Lulu and as a free PDF ebook at my own website. As always, links are also on the Gold Open Access Journals page.

Some quick notes: This book is not equivalent to the two Countries of OAWorld editions: it includes all journals for each country, including those in APCLand. That makes a huge difference for nine countries and smaller differences for 20 others. That inclusion also means that regional tables and graphs, included in full, are different than the regional chapters in GOAJ3. The paperback is $7.50 because it’s longer; I get $0.17 out of each sale. Yes, there will be a questionnaire/survey of some sort before the next GOAJ round (if there is one)… The subject supplement will appear as the July 2018 issue of Cites & Insights (18.4), almost certainly some time before June 25 (if not, it may not appear until early July, as I’m likely to be out of commission for a few days). Note that the link in this paragraph will yield a 404 error until Cites & Insights 18.4 is actually published. Thanks once again to SPARC for sponsorship of the GOAJ project–and to DOAJ for its support. If there’s a formatting error or two, almost certainly a label row not bolded or numeric values not right-aligned, mea culpa. I’ve proofread the Word document three times and PDF versions twice, but with hundreds of tables, I may still have missed something. (Actual data errors are less likely, as, other than the paragraph at the start of each chapter, everything is done by copy-and-paste from Excel. Without the magic of pivot tables that refresh as data is changed, this book would not have been feasible.)"


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Tags: oa.surveys oa.north_america oa.latin_america oa.europe oa.publishing oa.publishers oa.hei oa.societies oa.metrics oa.costs oa.fees oa.growth oa.stem oa.disciplines oa.humanities oa.trends oa.ssh oa.journals oa.revenues oa.south

Date tagged:

06/09/2018, 15:02

Date published:

06/09/2018, 11:08