No transparency in clinical trials
ab1630's bookmarks 2018-08-01
"There is a need for strong regulatory mechanism to supervise, review and restrict clinical trials and that should be transparent. The regulator should insist on obtaining well-informed consent from the families or persons on whom the clinical tests are intended to be conducted. Professor of University College of Medical Sciences, Delhi UCMS with expertise in Quantitative Social Research, Amir Maroof Khan, in his research article on “Guidelines for standardizing and increasing the transparency in the reporting of biomedical research” published in international Journal of Thoracic Disease (JTD), Vol 9, No 8 (August 2017) a peer reviewed open access journal for high quality research on Thoracic Disease” wrote ( Comprehensive and transparent reporting makes research credible, reproducible and help reduce research wastage. Standardized guidelines give directions towards achieving this objective. More and more specialized biomedical research reporting guidelines are being developed which can serve the varied interests of the medical researchers to make research transparent...."