Whoops! Are Some Current Open Access Mandates Backfiring on the Intended Beneficiaries?

djpadula5's bookmarks 2018-02-25


"When the open access (OA) movement started, the goals were to provide taxpayers with greater value by making scientific reports of research funded by taxpayers freely available. As part of this, some hoped that publishers would be transformed, that some big publishers might be eliminated or at least humbled, and that publishing itself would be reimagined. Academics and universities would benefit, the public would get more for their tax dollar, and a general liberalization in scientific communication would emerge. [...] The OA bargain is becoming a bit more fraught as more people get involved and as founding concepts are stress-tested by practical matters. If the OA movement remains dogmatic about the details, and is not willing to compromise or improve on ideas established years ago and never thoroughly validated on a large scale, it run some serious risks of losing support in the wider world."



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Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) ยป djpadula5's bookmarks


oa.obstacles oa.negative oa.sustainability oa.policies.universities oa.mandates oa.debates oa.hei oa.economics_of oa.policies oa.universities oa.creative_commons

Date tagged:

02/25/2018, 11:59

Date published:

02/25/2018, 06:59