How libraries can support society publishers to accelerate their transition to full and immediate OA and Plan S

djpadula5's bookmarks 2019-09-05


The relationship between libraries and society publishers has not previously been a close one. There is now an opportunity for strategic new collaborations as societies seek to transition to open access (OA) and deploy business models compliant with Plan S. Wellcome, UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), and the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) commissioned Information Power Limited to undertake a project in this space. This article synthesizes some of the findings from that project.



09/05/2019, 05:29

From feeds:

Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) » djpadula5's bookmarks


oa.plan_s oa.societies oa.journals oa.publishers oa.publishing oa.redirection oa.libpub oa.libraries oa.speed oa.compliance oa.conversions

Date tagged:

09/05/2019, 09:29

Date published:

09/04/2019, 05:29