246C notes 1: Meromorphic functions on Riemann surfaces, and the Riemann-Roch theorem
What's new 2018-03-29
The fundamental object of study in real differential geometry are the real manifolds: Hausdorff topological spaces that locally look like open subsets of a Euclidean space
, and which can be equipped with an atlas
of coordinate charts
from open subsets
to open subsets
, which are homeomorphisms; in particular, the transition maps
defined by
are all continuous. A smooth real manifold is a real manifold in which the transition maps are all smooth.
In a similar fashion, the fundamental object of study in complex differential geometry are the complex manifolds, in which the model space is rather than
, and the transition maps
are required to be holomorphic (and not merely smooth or continuous). In the real case, the one-dimensional manifolds (curves) are quite simple to understand, particularly if one requires the manifold to be connected; for instance, all compact connected one-dimensional real manifolds are homeomorphic to the unit circle (why?). However, in the complex case, the connected one-dimensional manifolds – the ones that look locally like subsets of
– are much richer, and are known as Riemann surfaces. For sake of completeness we give the (somewhat lengthy) formal definition:
Definition 1 (Riemann surface) If
is a Hausdorff connected topological space, a (one-dimensional complex) atlas is a collection
of homeomorphisms from open subsets
that cover
to open subsets
of the complex numbers
, such that the transition maps
defined by
are all holomorphic. Here
is an arbitrary index set. Two atlases
are said to be equivalent if their union is also an atlas, thus the transition maps
and their inverses are all holomorphic. A Riemann surface is a Hausdorff connected topological space
equipped with an equivalence class of one-dimensional complex atlases.
A map
from one Riemann surface
to another
is holomorphic if the maps
are holomorphic for any charts
of an atlas of
respectively; it is not hard to see that this definition does not depend on the choice of atlas. It is also clear that the composition of two holomorphic maps is holomorphic (and in fact the class of Riemann surfaces with their holomorphic maps forms a category).
Here are some basic examples of Riemann surfaces.
Example 2 (Quotients of
) The complex numbers
clearly form a Riemann surface (using the identity map
as the single chart for an atlas). Of course, maps
that are holomorphic in the usual sense will also be holomorphic in the sense of the above definition, and vice versa, so the notion of holomorphicity for Riemann surfaces is compatible with that of holomorphicity for complex maps. More generally, given any discrete subgroup
, the quotient
is a Riemann surface. There are an infinite number of possible atlases to use here; one such is to pick a sufficiently small neighbourhood
of the origin in
and take the atlas
for all
. In particular, given any non-real complex number
, the complex torus
formed by quotienting
by the lattice
is a Riemann surface.
Example 3 Any open connected subset
is a Riemann surface. By the Riemann mapping theorem, all simply connected open
are isomorphic (as Riemann surfaces) to the unit disk (or, equivalently, to the upper half-plane).
Example 4 (Riemann sphere) The Riemann sphere
, as a topological manifold, is the one-point compactification of
. Topologically, this is a sphere and is in particular connected. One can cover the Riemann sphere by the two open sets
, and give these two open sets the charts
defined by
, and
. This is a complex atlas since the
is holomorphic on
An alternate way of viewing the Riemann sphere is as the projective line
. Topologically, this is the punctured complex plane
quotiented out by non-zero complex dilations, thus elements of this space are equivalence classes
with the usual quotient topology. One can cover this space by two open sets
and give these two open sets the charts
defined by
. This is a complex atlas, basically because
is holomorphic on
Exercise 5 Verify that the Riemann sphere is isomorphic (as a Riemann surface) to the projective line.
Example 6 (Smooth algebraic plane curves) Let
be a complex polynomial in three variables which is homogeneous of some degree
, thus
Define the complex projective plane
to be the punctured space
quotiented out by non-zero complex dilations, with the usual quotient topology. (There is another important topology to place here of fundamental importance in algebraic geometry, namely the Zariski topology, but we will ignore this topology here.) This is a compact space, whose elements are equivalence classes
; by the fundamental theorem of algebra it is non-empty. Inside this plane we can define the (projective, degree
) algebraic curve
this is well defined thanks to (1). It is easy to verify that
is a closed subset of
and hence compact.
Suppose that
is irreducible, which means that it is not the product of polynomials of smaller degree. As we shall show in the appendix, this makes the algebraic curve connected. (Actually, algebraic curves remain connected even in the reducible case, thanks to Bezout’s theorem, but we will not prove that theorem here.) We will in fact make the stronger nonsingularity hypothesis: there is no triple
such that the three numbers
simultaneously vanish for
. (This looks like four constraints, but is in fact essentially just three, due to the Euler identity
that arises from differentiating (1) in
. The fact that nonsingularity implies irreducibility is another consequence of Bezout’s theorem, which is not proven here.) For instance, the polynomial
is irreducible but singular (there is a “cusp” singularity at
). With this hypothesis, we call the curve
Now suppose
is a point in
; without loss of generality we may take
non-zero, and then we can normalise
. Now one can think of
as an inhomogeneous polynomial in just two variables
, and by nondegeneracy we see that the gradient
is non-zero. By the (complexified) implicit function theorem, this ensures that the affine algebraic curve
is a Riemann surface in a neighbourhood of
; we leave this as an exercise. This can be used to give a coordinate chart for
in a neighbourhood of
. Similarly when
is non-zero. This can be shown to give an atlas on
, which (assuming the connectedness claim that we will prove later) gives
the structure of a Riemann surface.
Exercise 7 State and prove a complex version of the implicit function theorem that justifies the above claim that the charts in the above example form an atlas, and an algebraic curve associated to a non-singular polynomial is a Riemann surface.
Exercise 8
- (i) Show that all algebraic curves of degree
are isomorphic to the Riemann sphere. (Hint: reduce to an explicit linear polynomial such as
- (ii) Show that all algebraic curves of degree
are isomorphic to the Riemann sphere. (Hint: to reduce computation, first use some linear algebra to reduce the homogeneous quadratic polynomial to a standard form, such as
Exercise 9 If
are complex numbers, show that the projective cubic curve
is nonsingular if and only if the discriminant
is non-zero. (When this occurs, the curve is called an elliptic curve (in Weierstrass form), which is a fundamentally important example of a Riemann surface in many areas of mathematics, and number theory in particular. One can also define the discriminant for polynomials of higher degree, but we will not do so here.)
A recurring theme in mathematics is that an object is often best studied by understanding spaces of “good” functions on
. In complex analysis, there are two basic types of good functions:
Definition 10 Let
be a Riemann surface. A holomorphic function on
is a holomorphic map from
; the space of all such functions will be denoted
. A meromorphic function on
is a holomorphic map from
to the Riemann sphere
, that is not identically equal to
; the space of all such functions will be denoted
One can also define holomorphicity and meromorphicity in terms of charts: a function is holomorphic if and only if, for any chart
, the map
is holomorphic in the usual complex analysis sense; similarly, a function
is meromorphic if and only if the preimage
is discrete (otherwise, by analytic continuation and the connectedness of
will be identically equal to
) and for any chart
, the map
becomes a meromorphic function in the usual complex analysis sense, after removing the discrete set of complex numbers where this map is infinite. One consequence of this alternate definition is that the space
of holomorphic functions is a commutative complex algebra (a complex vector space closed under pointwise multiplication), while the space
of meromorphic functions is a complex field (a commutative complex algebra where every non-zero element has an inverse). Another consequence is that one can define the notion of a zero of given order
, or a pole of order
, for a holomorphic or meromorphic function, by composing with a chart map and using the usual complex analysis notions there, noting (from the holomorphicity of transition maps and their inverses) that this does not depend on the choice of chart. (However, one cannot similarly define the residue of a meromorphic function on
this way, as the residue turns out to be chart-dependent thanks to the chain rule. Residues should instead be applied to meromorphic
-forms, a concept we will introduce later.) A third consequence is analytic continuation: if two holomorphic or meromorphic functions on
agree on a non-empty open set, then they agree everywhere.
On the complex numbers , there are of course many holomorphic functions and meromorphic functions; for instance any power series with an infinite radius of convergence will give a holomorphic function, and the quotient of any two such functions (with non-zero denominator) will give a meromorphic function. Furthermore, we have extremely wide latitude in how to specify the zeroes of the holomorphic function, or the zeroes and poles of the meromorphic function, thanks to tools such as the Weierstrass factorisation theorem or the Mittag-Leffler theorem (covered in previous quarters).
It turns out, however, that the situation changes dramatically when the Riemann surface is compact, with the holomorphic and meromorphic functions becoming much more rigid. First of all, compactness eliminates all holomorphic functions except for the constants:
Lemma 11 Let
be a holomorphic function on a compact Riemann surface
. Then
is constant.
This result should be seen as a close sibling of Liouville’s theorem that all bounded entire functions are constant. (Indeed, in the case of a complex torus, this lemma is a corollary of Liouville’s theorem.)
Proof: As is continuous and
is compact,
must attain a maximum at some point
. Working in a chart around
and applying the maximum principle, we conclude that
is constant in a neighbourhood of
, and hence is constant everywhere by analytic continuation.
This dramatically cuts down the number of possible meromorphic functions – indeed, for an abstract Riemann surface, it is not immediately obvious that there are any non-constant meromorphic functions at all! As the poles are isolated and the surface is compact, a meromorphic function can only have finitely many poles, and if one prescribes the location of the poles and the maximum order at each pole, then we shall see that the space of meromorphic functions is now finite dimensional. The precise dimensions of these spaces are in fact rather interesting, and obey a basic duality law known as the Riemann-Roch theorem. We will give a mostly self-contained proof of the Riemann-Roch theorem in these notes, omitting only some facts about genus and Euler characteristic, as well as construction of certain meromorphic -forms (also known as Abelian differentials).
— 1. Divisors —
To discuss the zeroes and poles of meromorphic functions, it is convenient to introduce an abstraction of the concept of “a collection of zeroes and poles”, known as a divisor.
Definition 12 (Divisor) Let
be a compact Riemann surface. A divisor on
is a formal integer linear combination
, where
ranges over a finite collection of points in
, and
are integers, with the obvious additive group structure; equivalently, the space
of divisors is the free abelian group with generators
(where we make the usual convention
). The number
is the degree of the divisor; we call each
the order of the divisor
, with the convention that the order is zero for points not appearing in the sum. A divisor is non-negative (or effective) if all the
are non-negative, and we partially order the divisors by writing
is non-negative. This makes
a lattice, so we can define the maximum
or minimum
of two divisors. Given a non-zero meromorphic function
, the principal divisor
associated to
is the divisor
, where
ranges over the zeroes and poles of
, and
is the order of zero (or negative the order of pole) at
. (Note that as zeroes and poles are isolated, and
is compact, the number of zeroes and poles is automatically finite.)
Informally, one should think of as the abstraction of a zero of order
, or a pole of order
is negative.
Example 13 Consider a rational function
for some non-zero complex number
and some complex numbers
. This is a meromorphic function on
, and
is also meromorphic, so
extends to a meromorphic function on the Riemann sphere
. It has zeroes at
and poles at
, and also has a zero of order
(or a pole of order
) at
, as can be seen by inspection of
near the origin (or the growth of
near infinity), and thus
In particular,
has degree zero.
Exercise 14 Show that all meromorphic functions on the Riemann sphere come from rational functions as in the above example. In particular, every principal divisor on the Riemann sphere has degree zero. Give an alternate proof of this fact using the residue theorem. (We will generalise this fact to other Riemann surfaces shortly; see Proposition 24.)
It is easy to see (by working in a coordinate chart around ) that if
are non-zero meromorphic functions, that one has the valuation axioms
for any (adopting the convention the zero function has order
everywhere); thus we have
again adopting the convention that is larger than every divisor. In particular, the space
of principal divisors of
is a subgroup of
The properties (2) have the following consequence. Given a divisor , let
be the space of all meromorphic functions
such that
(including, by convention, the zero function
); thus, if
, then
consists of functions that have at worst a pole of order
(or a zero of order
or greater, if
is negative). For instance,
is the space of meromorphic functions that have at most a double pole at
, a single pole at
, and at least a simple zero at
, if
are distinct points in
. From (2) (and the fact that non-zero constant functions have principal divisor zero) we see that each
is a vector space. We clearly have the nesting properties
, and also if
Remark 15 In the language of vector bundles, one can identify a divisor
with a certain holomorphic line bundle on
, and
can be identified with the space of sections of this bundle. This is arguably the more natural way to think about divisors; however, we will not adopt this language here.
If and
, then
is holomorphic on
and hence (by Lemma 11) constant. We can thus easily compute
for zero or negative divisors:
Corollary 16 Let
be a compact Riemann surface. Then
consists only of the constant functions, and
consists only of
. In particular,
has dimension
Exercise 17 If
are principal divisors with
, show that
is a constant multiple of
Exercise 18 Let
be a divisor. Show that
if and only if
is linearly equivalent to an effective divisor.
The situation for (i.e.,
contains at least one pole) is more interesting. We first have a simple observation from linear algebra:
Lemma 19 Let
be a compact Riemann surface,
be a divisor, and
be a point. Then
has codimension at most
Proof: Let be a chart that maps
to the origin, and suppose that
already had order
(so that
had order
). Then functions
, when composed with the inverse
of the chart function have Laurent expansion
for some complex coefficients (which will depend on the choice of chart). The map
is clearly a linear map from
, whose kernel is
, and the claim follows.
As a corollary of this lemma and Corollary 16, we see that the spaces are all finite dimensional, with the dimension
increasing by zero or one each time one adds an additional pole to
Here is another simple linear algebra relation between the dimensions of the spaces :
Lemma 20 Let
be a compact Riemann surface, and let
be divisors. Then
Proof: From linear algebra we have
Since and
, the claim follows.
If is a divisor and
is an effective divisor, then (2) gives an isomorphism between
, by mapping
. In particular, the dimensions
are the same. If we define a divisor class to be a coset
of the principal divisors in
, then we conclude that the dimension
depends only on the divisor class
. The space
of divisor classes is an abelian group, which is known as the divisor class group. (For nonsingular algebraic curves, this group also coincides with the Picard group, though the situation is more subtle if one allows singularities). We call two divisors linearly equivalent if they differ by a principal divisor.
It is now easy to understand the spaces for the Riemann sphere:
Exercise 21 Show that two divisors on the Riemann sphere are equivalent if and only if they have the same degree, so that the degree map gives an isomorphism between the divisor class group of the Riemann sphere and the integers. If
is a divisor on the Riemann sphere, show that
is equal to
. (Hint: first show that for any integer
, that
is the space of polynomials of degree at most
From the above exercise we observe in particular that
whenever has degree
; as we will see later, this is a special case of the Riemann-Roch theorem.
— 2. Meromorphic -forms —
To proceed further, we will introduce the concept of a meromorphic -form on a compact Riemann surface
. To motivate this concept, observe that one can think of a meromorphic function
as a collection of meromorphic functions
on open subsets of the complex plane, where
ranges over a suitable atlas of
. These meromorphic functions
are compatible with each other in the following sense: if
are charts, then we have
for all (this condition is vacuous if
do not overlap). As already noted, one can define such concepts as the order of
at a pole
by declaring it to be the order of
for any chart
that contains
in its domain, and the compatibility condition (4) ensures that this definition is well defined.
On the other hand, several other basic notions in complex analysis do not seem to be well defined for such meromorphic functions. Consider for instance the question of how to define the residue of at a pole
. The natural thing to do is to again pick a chart
and use the residue of
; however one can check that this is not independent of the choice of chart in general, as from (4) one will find that the residues of
are related to each other, but not equal. Similarly, one encounters a difficulty integrating
on a contour
, even if the contour is short enough to fit into the domain
of a single chart
and also avoids all the poles of
; the natural thing to do is to compute
, but again this will depend on the choice of chart (substituting (4) will reveal that
is not equal to
in general due to an additional Jacobian factor). Finally, one encounters a difficulty trying to differentiate a meromorphic function
; on each chart
one would like to just differentiate
, but the resulting derivatives
do not obey the compatibility condition (4), but instead (by the chain rule) obey the slightly different condition
The solution to all of these issues is to introduce a new type of object on , the meromorphic
Definition 22 A meromorphic
is a collection of expressions
for each coordinate chart
, with
meromorphic on
, which obey the compatibility condition
for any pair
of charts and any
. If all the
are holomorphic, we say that
is holomorphic also. The space of meromorphic
-forms will be denoted
As with meromorphic functions, we can define the order
at a point
to be the order of
for some chart
that contains
in its domain; from (5) we see that this is well defined. Similarly we may define the divisor
. The divisor of a non-zero meromorphic
-form is called a canonical divisor. (We will show later that at least one non-zero meromorphic
-form is available, so that canonical divisors exist.)
be a meromorphic
-form. Given a contour
that lies in the domain
of a single chart
and avoids the poles of
, we can define the integral
to be equal to
. One checks from (5) and the change of variables formula that this definition is independent of the choice of chart. One then defines
for longer contours by partitioning into short contours; again, one can check that this definition is independent of the choice of partition.
The residue of
can be defined as the residue of
for a chart
that contains
in its domain, or equivalently (by the residue theorem)
is a sufficiently small contour winding around
once anticlockwise (note that we have a consistent orientation on
since invertible holomorphic maps are orientation preserving).
Meromorphic -forms are also known as Abelian differentials, while holomorphic
-forms are Abelian differentials of the first kind. (Abelian differentials of the second kind are meromorphic
-forms in which all residues vanish, while Abelian differentials of the third kind are meromorphic
-forms in which all poles are simple.) To specify a meromorphic form
, it suffices to prescribe
for all
in a single atlas of
; as long as (5) is obeyed within this atlas, it is easy to see that
can then be defined uniquely using (5) for all other coordinate charts.
There are two basic ways to create meromorphic -forms. One is to start with a meromorphic function
and form its differential
, which when evaluated any chart
is given by the formula
the compatibility condition (5) is then clear from the chain rule. Another way is to start with an existing meromorphic -form
and multiply it by a meromorphic function
to give a new meromorphic
, which when evaluated at a given chart
is given by
again, it is clear that the compatibility condition (5) holds. Conversely, given two meromorphic -forms
, with
not identically zero, one can form the ratio
to be the unique meromorphic function
such that
; it is easy to see that
exists and is unique. These properties are compatible with taking divisors, thus
Of course, one can also add two meromorphic -forms to obtain another meromorphic
-form. Thus
is in fact a one-dimensional vector space over the field
(here we assume that non-zero meromorphic
-forms exist, a claim which we will return to later). In particular, the canonical divisor is unique up to linear equivalence.
Later on we will discuss a further way to create a meromorphic -form, by taking the gradient of a harmonic function with specific types of singularities.
Example 23 The coordinate function
can be viewed as a meromorphic function on the Riemann sphere
(it has a simple zero at
and a simple pole at
). Its derivative
then has a double pole at infinity (note that in the reciprocal coordinate
transforms to
), so
. Any other meromorphic
-form is of the form
, where
is a meromorphic function (that is to say, a rational function). In particular, since meromorphic functions have divisor of degree
, all meromorphic
-forms on the Riemann sphere have a divisor of degree
; indeed, the canonical divisors here are precisely the divisors of degree
We now give a key application of meromorphic -forms to the divisors of meromorphic functions:
Proposition 24 Let
be a compact Riemann surface.
- (i) For any meromorphic
, the sum of all the residues of
- (ii) Every principal divisor
has degree zero.
Proof: We begin with (i). By evaluating at coordinate charts, the counterclockwise integral of around any small loop
that avoids any pole is zero; thus
is closed outside of these poles, and hence by Stokes’ theorem we conclude that the integral of
around the sum of small counterclockwise loops around every pole is zero. On the other hand, by the residue theorem applied in each chart, this integral is equal to
times the sum of the residues, and the claim follows.
To prove (ii), apply (i) to the meromorphic function (cf. the usual proof of the argument principle).
Exercise 25 Let
be a compact Riemann surface, and let
be a divisor on
- (i) If
, show that
- (ii) If
, show that
is equal to
, with the latter occuring if and only if
is principal. Furthermore, any non-zero element of
has divisor
- (iii) If
, establish the bound
We have already discussed how algebraic curves give good examples of Riemann surfaces. In the converse direction, it is common for Riemann surfaces to map into algebraic curves, as hinted by the following exercise:
Exercise 26 Let
be a compact Riemann surface, and let
be two non-constant meromorphic functions on
. Show that there exists a non-zero polynomial
of two variables with complex coefficients such that
. (Hint: look at the monomials
for some large
, and show that they lie in
for a suitable divisor
. Then use part (iii) of the previous exercise and linear algebra.) Show furthermore that one can take
to be irreducible.
— 3. The case of a complex torus —
For the special case when the Riemann surface being studied is a complex torus , one can obtain more precise information on the dimensions
by explicit computations. First observe we have a natural holomorphic
-form on
, namely the form
, defined in any small coordinate chart
on a small disk
) by
, and then defined for any other coordinate chart by compatibility. This form has no poles and zeroes, and so
is a canonical divisor. Using this
-form, we have a bijection between meromorphic functions and meromorphic
-forms on
which maps
; in contrast to the situation with other Riemann surfaces with non-zero canonical divisor, this bijection does not affect the divisor. In particular, canonical divisors are principal and vice versa. Using this bijection, we can think of the differential
of a meromorphic function as another meromorphic function, which we call the derivative
, as per the familiar formula
. Of course, with respect to the above coordinate charts, this derivative corresponds to the usual complex derivative.
We also have a fundamental meromorphic function on , or equivalently a
-periodic function on
, namely the Weierstrass
It is easy to see that the sum converges outside of , and that this is a meromorphic
-periodic function on
that has a double pole at every point in
; this descends to a meromorphic function on
with divisor
. By translation we can then create a meromorphic function
with divisor
for any
Using this function and some manipulations, we can compute for most divisors
Lemma 27 Let
be a complex torus, and let
be a divisor.
- (i) If
, then
- (ii) If
, then
is equal to
. If
for some distinct
, then
. Also,
- (iii) If
, then
Proof: Part (i) and the first claim of part (ii) follows from Exercise 25. To prove the second claim of part (ii), it suffices by Exercise 25 to show that there is no meromorphic function with divisor , that is to say a simple pole at
and a simple zero at
. But this follows from Proposition 24(i) (and identifying meromorphic functions with meromorphic
-forms) since the residue at
is non-zero and there is no other residue to cancel it. The third claim comes from Exercise 25 and the observation that
is principal if and only if
Call a divisor good if
. We need to show that all divisors of positive degree are good. First we check that
is good for a point
. By Proposition 24(i) we see that the only meromorphic functions in
are constant, hence
, and so
is good.
The Weierstrass -function
gives a an element of
which is non-constant (it has a double pole at
), so by Lemma 19 we have
, and so
is good. Taking a derivative of
to obtain a meromorphic function with a triple pole at
, we obtain a further element of
that is not in
, and so
, and so
is good. Continuing to differentiate in this fashion we see that
is good for any natural number
. Combining this with the constants we see that
, while from Lemma 19 and the fact that
is good, we conclude that
is good.
Observe from Lemma 19 and Lemma 20 we see that if is a divisor and
are distinct points such that
are good, then
is also good. We have just shown that all effective divisors of degree
are good; by induction one can now show that all effective divisors of positive degree are good.
Call a degree one divisor very good if
is good for every
. We have shown that
is very good for all
. We now claim that if
is very good then so is
is very good. First note that
cannot both be principal, since their difference
is not principal. Thus by Exercise 25, at least one of
vanishes, and hence
by Lemma 19. On the other hand, as
is very good,
is good, and so
. By Lemma 19 we conclude that
is good.
For any , we know that
are good, hence by Lemma 19 the intermediate divisor
must also be good. Iterating this argument we see that
is good for every
, thus
is very good. Iterating this we see that all degree one divisors are very good, giving (iii).
As a corollary of the above proposition we obtain the complex torus case of the Riemann-Roch theorem:
valid for any divisor (regardless of degree); compare with (3).
Exercise 28 Let
be a complex torus. Show that the Weierstrass function
obeys the differential equation
for some complex numbers
depending on
. Also show that the map
mapping to
) is a holomorphic invertible map from
to the algebraic curve
which is non-singular and irreducible. (Thus, every complex torus is isomorphic to an elliptic curve. The converse is also true, but will not be established here.)
The one remaining point is to work out which degree zero divisors are principal. It turns out that there is an additional constraint beyond degree zero:
Exercise 29 Suppose that
is a principal divisor on a complex torus
(we allow repetition). Show that
using the group law on
. (Hint: if
is a meromorphic function with zeroes at
and poles at
, integrate
around a parallelogram fundamental domain of
(translating if necessary so that the boundary of the parallelogram avoids the zeroes and poles).)
In fact, this is the only condition:
Proposition 30 A degree zero divisor
is principal if and only if
Proof: By the above exercise it suffices to establish the “if” direction. We may of course assume . By Lemma 27, the space
is one-dimensional, thus there exists a non-zero meromorphic function
with poles at
, zeroes at
, and no further poles (counting multiplicity). By Proposition 24(ii)
must have one further zero, and by the above exercise this zero must be
. The claim follows.
One can explicitly write down a formula for these meromorphic functions using theta functions, but we will not do so here.
The above proposition links the group law on a complex torus with the group law on divisors. This is part of a more general relation involving the Jacobian variety of a curve and the Abel-Jacobi theorem, but we will not discuss this further in this course.
Proposition 31 Let
be a complex torus, and let
be a function. Show that
is holomorphic if and only if it takes the form
for all
, and some complex numbers
, with
lying in the set
. Furthermore, show that
is either equal to the integers, or to a lattice of the form
for some quadratic algebraic integer
obeys an equation
for some integers
). In the latter case, the complex torus is said to have complex multiplication.
— 4. The Riemann Roch theorem —
We now leave the example of the complex torus and return to more general compact Riemann surfaces . We would like to generalise the identity (7) (or (3)) to this setting. As a first step we establish
Proposition 32 (Baby Riemann Roch theorem) Let
be a canonical divisor in a compact Riemann surface
, and let
be an effective divisor. Then
Proof: Write where
ranges over some finite set
of points in
, and
are positive integers. Around each
let us form a chart
that maps
. Then for any
has a pole of order at most
at the origin, and can thus be written as
for near
, where
are complex numbers and
is holomorphic at the origin. We call the expression
the principal part of
(uniformised by
) at
. If we let
denote the collection of tuples
complex, then
is a complex vector space of dimension
. Inside this space we have the subspace
of tuples that can actually arise as the principal parts of a meromorphic function
. Observe that if two functions
have the same principal parts, then their difference
is holomorphic and hence constant by Lemma 11. Thus, the space
has dimension exactly
As is a canonical divisor, we have a meromorphic
with divisor
. If
, then
is a holomorphic
-form. If
is a tuple in
, we can define a pairing
by the formula
This is a bilinear pairing from to
. If
, then all the components of
are principal parts of some
, and
is just the sum of the residues of
, which vanishes by Proposition 24(i). Thus
. As row rank equals column rank, we conclude that there is a subspace
of dimension at least
such that whenever
. But then if
must vanish to order at least
at each
, hence
, which is equivalent to
and hence to
. One concludes that
and the claim follows by rearranging.
One can amplify this proposition if one is in possession of the following three non-trivial claims.
- There is at least one non-zero meromorphic
-form; in particular, canonical divisors exist.
- Every canonical divisor has degree
, where
is the (topological) genus of
- The space of holomorphic
-forms has dimension
. Equivalently, for any canonical divisor
. (In algebraic geometry language, this asserts that for compact Riemann surfaces, the topological genus is equal to the geometric genus.)
Example 33 The Riemann sphere
has genus
. All meromorphic
-forms, such as
, have degree
and so cannot be holomorphic, so there are no holomorphic
-forms. Meanwhile, a complex torus
has genus
. All meromorphic
-forms, such as
, have degree
. In particular, a holomorphic
-form is
times a holomorphic function, so by Lemma 11 the space of holomorphic
-forms is one-dimensional.
Assuming these claims, the above proposition gives, for any canonical divisor , that
when is effective and (replacing
when is effective. Since the second right-hand side is the negative of the first, we conclude that
whenever and
are both effective. In fact we have the more general
Theorem 34 (Riemann-Roch theorem) Let
be a compact Riemann surface of genus
, let
be a canonical divisor, and let
be any divisor. Then
This of course generalises (3) on the Riemann sphere (which has genus zero) and (7) on a complex torus (which has genus one).
It remains to establish the above three claims, and to obtain the Riemann-Roch theorem in full generality. I have not been able to locate particularly simple proofs of these steps that do not require significant machinery outside of complex analysis, so will only sketch some arguments justifying each of these.
To create meromorphic -forms one can take gradients of harmonic functions, in the spirit of the proof of the uniformization theorem that was (mostly) given in these 246A lecture notes. A function
is said to be harmonic if, for every coordinate chart
is harmonic; as the property of being harmonic on open subsets of the complex plane is unaffected by conformal transformations, this definition does not depend on the choice of atlas that the charts are drawn from. If
is harmonic, one can form a holomorphic
by defining
for each chart and
For instance, on , the harmonic function
gives rise to the holomorphic
Exercise 35 Show that this definition indeed defines a holomorphic
-form (thus the
are all holomorphic and obey the compatibiltiy condition (5). (The computations are slightly less tedious if one uses Wirtinger derivatives.)
Unfortunately, for compact Riemann surfaces , the same maximum principle argument used to prove Lemma 11 shows that there are no non-constant globally harmonic functions on
, so we cannot use this construction directly to produce non-trivial holomorphic or meromorphic
-forms on
. However, one can produce harmonic functions with logarithmic singularities, a prototypical example of which is the function
on the Riemann sphere, which is harmonic except at
. More generally, one has
Proposition 36 (Existence of dipole Green’s function) Let
be a Riemann surface, and let
be distinct points in
. Then there exists a harmonic function
with the property that for any chart
that maps
is equal to
plus a bounded function near
, and for any chart
that maps
is equal to
plus a bounded function near
This proposition is essentially Proposition 65 of these 246A notes and can be proven using (a somewhat technical modification of) Perron’s method of subharmonic functions; we will not do so here. One can combine this proposition with the preceding construction to obtain a non-constant meromorphic -form:
Exercise 37 Using the above proposition, show that if
is a compact Riemann surface and
are distinct points in
, then there is a meromorphic
-form on
with poles only at
, with a residue of
and a residue of
Using this, conclude the Riemann existence theorem: for any compact Riemann surface
and distinct points
, there exists a meromorphic function on
that takes different values at
and is in particular non-constant. (In other words, the meromorphic functions separate points.)
To prove the full Riemann-Roch theorem we will also need a variant of this exercise, not proven here:
Proposition 38 If
is a compact Riemann surface,
is a point in
, and
, then there exists a meromorphic
-form on
with a pole of order
and no other poles.
The -forms constructed by this proposition can be viewed as generalisations of the Weierstrass functions
(and their derivatives) to other Riemann surfaces. Note from Proposition 24 that the
-form constructed by the above proposition automatically have vanishing residue at
The first claim is now settled by Exercise 37, so we now turn to the second. A non-constant meromorphic function on
can be viewed as a non-constant holomorphic map from
to the Riemann sphere
. By Proposition 24(ii), the number of times
(counting multiplicity) equals the number of times
(counting multiplicity). Calling this number
(the degree of
), then
by Lemma 11, and we see (by again applying Proposition 24(ii) to
for any constant
) that
attains each value
on the Riemann sphere
times (counting multiplicity). As long as one stays away from the zeroes of
, the zeroes of
are all simple, and vary continuously in
by the inverse function theorem (or Rouché’s theorem), and hence after deleting a finite number of ramification points from
(and also deleting their preimages from
), one can think of
as a
-fold covering map from (a punctured version) of
by (a punctured version of)
, that is to say
is a
-fold branched cover of
. By applying a fractional linear transformation if necessary, we may assume that
is not a ramification point of this cover (this is mainly for notational convenience).
One can use such a branched covering, together with some algebraic topology (which we will assume here as “black boxes”), to verify the second claim. Instead of working directly with the genus of
, one can work instead with the Euler characteristic
, which is known from algebraic topology to equal
. For instance, the Riemann sphere
has genus
and Euler characteristic
, while a complex torus
has genus
and Euler characteristic
If one has a -fold covering map from one surface
to another
, one can show that the Euler characteristics are related by the formula
. With branched coverings this is not quite the case, but there is a substitute formula that takes into account the ramification points known as the Riemann-Hurwitz formula. Basically, if since we have a
-fold cover from a punctured version
to a punctured version
of the Riemann sphere, we have
On the other hand, if one reinserts a point from
back into the punctured Riemann sphere, and also inserts all the preimages
of that point back into
, one can calculate that the Euler characteristic of the punctured sphere increases by
, while the Euler characteristic of the punctured version of
increases by the cardinality
of the preimage. We conclude the Riemann-Hurwitz formula
As has degree
, we have
for each and so we can rearrange the above (using
) as
The meromorphic -form
on the Riemann sphere has a double pole at
and no zeroes. As
is not a point of ramification, the pullback
of this form then has a double pole at each of the
preimages in
. However, it also acquires a zero of order
. Taking divisors, we conclude that the left-hand side of (8) is equal to the degree of
, which is a canonical divisor. Since all canonical divisors have the same degree, this gives the second claim.
Exercise 39 Let
be compact Riemann surfaces, with
having higher genus than
. Show that there does not exist any non-constant holomorphic map from
Now we discuss the third claim. It is relatively easy to show that the dimension of the space of holomorphic -forms is upper bounded by
. Indeed, we may assume without loss of generality that there exists at least one non-zero holomorphic
-form, giving an effective canonical divisor
, which we have just shown to have degree
. From Proposition 32 applied to
we then have
and hence , giving the claimed upper bound.
The lower bound is harder. Basically, it asserts that the pairing in Proposition 32, when quotiented down to a pairing between
, is non-degenerate. This is a special case of an algebraic geometry fact known as Serre duality, which we will not prove here. It can also be proven from Hodge theory, using the fact that the first de Rham cohomology has dimension
; we do not pursue this approach here. Alternatively, one can try to explicitly construct
linearly holomorphic
-forms on the Riemann surface
. We will not do this in general, but show how to do this in the case of a smooth algebraic curve of degree
. The genus of such a curve turns out to be given by the genus-degree formula
One can sketch a proof of this using the Riemann-Hurwitz formula. For simplicity of notation let us assume that the polynomial is in “general position” in a number of senses that we will not specify precisely. We focus on the affine curve
generically this is with
points deleted, and thus will have an Euler characteristic of
. The projection map from
(which has Euler characteristic
) that maps
has ramification points whenever
vanishes, which generically will be simple; away from these points one has a
-fold covering. Bezout’s theorem shows that this happens
times. A modification of the proof of (8) then gives
which gives the claim.
To construct linearly independent holomorphic
-forms on
one can argue as follows. Again it is convenient for notational reasons to work on the affine curve
and assume that
is in general position. The cases
can be worked out by hand, so suppose
. Taking the differential of the coordinate function
gives a meromorphic
, which generically has simple zeroes whenever the degree
vanishes, and has a pole of order
at the
points in
(i.e., the
points where
meets the line at infinity). This implies that for any polynomial
of degree at most
, the
is holomorphic (we have killed all the poles and removed the simple zeroes, while possibly creating new zeroes where vanishes). The space of such polynomials has dimension
, giving the claim.
It remains to remove the condition that and
be effective to obtain the Riemann-Roch theorem in full generality. We first prove a weaker version known as Riemann’s inequality:
Proposition 40 (Riemann’s inequality) Let
be a compact Riemann surface of genus
, and let
be a divisor. Then
Proof: Let be a canonical divisor. Choose a non-zero effective divisor
such that
. We will show that
since from Lemma 19 we have , and
, Riemann’s inequality will follow after a brief calculation.
Dividing through by a meromorphic -form of divisor
, we see that
is the dimension of the space
of meromorphic
-forms with divisor at least
. If
is the space of meromorphic
that have poles of order at most
at each
, and no other poles.
As in the proof of Proposition 32, let be the space of tuples
complex; this has dimension
, and there is a linear map
that takes a meromorphic
to the tuple of its principal parts at points in
. The image is constrained by Proposition 24(i), which forces the residues
to sum to zero. On the other hand, by taking linear combinations of the meromorphic
-forms from Exercise 37 and Propsosition 38, we see conversely that any tuple in
whose residues sum to zero lies in the image of
. Thus the image of
has dimension
. On the other hand, the kernel of
is simply the space of holomorphic
-forms, which has dimension
. The claim follows.
Now we prove the Riemann-Roch theorem. We split into cases, depending on the dimensions of and
First suppose that and
are both positive dimensional. By Exercise 18,
is linearly equivalent to an effective divisor, hence by Proposition 32 we have
and similarly (replacing by
and the claim then follows by using .
Now suppose that and
are both trivial. Riemann’s inequality then gives
which (again using ) gives
, and the claim again follows.
Now suppose that is trivial but
is positive dimensional. From Exercise 18 and Proposition 32 as before we have
while from Riemann’s inequality and the triviality of we have
giving the claim. The final case when is trivial and
is positive dimensional then follows by swapping
Exercise 41 Let
be a compact Riemann surface, and let
be a point on
. Show that for any points
, there is a unique point
such that
is a principal divisor. Furthermore show that this defines an abelian group law on
. What is this group law in the case that
is an elliptic curve?
Exercise 42 Let
be a compact Riemann surface, and there exists a meromorphic function
with one simple pole and no other poles. Show that
is an isomorphism between
and the Riemann sphere. Conclude in particular that the Riemann sphere is the only genus zero compact Riemann surface (up to isomorphism, of course).
Exercise 43 Let
be a compact Riemann surface of genus
, and let
be a divisor of degree
. Show that
is a canonical divisor, and
Exercise 44 (Gap theorems) Let
be a compact Riemann surface of genus
- (i) (Weierstrass gap theorem) If
is a point in
, show that there are precisely
positive integers
with the property that there does not exist a meromorphic function on
with a pole of order
, and no other poles. Show in addition that all of these integers are less than or equal to
- (ii) (Noether gap theorem) If
are a sequence of distinct points in
, show that there are precisely
positive integers
with the property that there does not exist a meromorphic function with simple poles at
and no other poles. Show in addition that all of these integers are less than or equal to
— 5. Appendix: connectedness of irreducible algebraic curves —
In this section we prove
Theorem 45 Let
be an irreducible homogeneous polynomial of degree
. Then
is connected.
We begin with the affine version of this theorem:
Proposition 46 Let
be an irreducible polynomial of degree
. Then the affine curve
is connected.
We observe that this theorem fails if one replaces the complex numbers by the real ones; for instance, the quadratic polynomial is irreducible, but the hyperbola it defines in
is disconnected. Thus we will need properties of the complex numbers that are not true for the reals. We will rely in particular on the fundamental theorem of algebra, the removability of bounded singularities, the generalised Liouville theorem that entire functions of polynomial growth are polynomial, and the fact that the complex numbers remain connected even after removing finitely many points.
We now prove the proposition. We will use the classical approach of thinking of as a branched
-fold cover over the complex numbers, possibly after some preparatory change of variables; the main difficulty is then to work around the ramification points of this cover. We turn to the details. Let
be an irreducible polynomial of degree
, then we can write it as
where for ,
lies in the space
of polynoimals of one variable of degree at most
. In particular
is a constant. It could happen that this constant vanishes (e.g., consider the example
); but in that case we will make a change of variables and consider instead the polynomial
for a complex parameter
. Now the analogue of
is a non-trivial polynomial function of
(because one of the
must have degree exactly
), and so this quantity will be non-zero for some
(in fact for all but at most
values of
Henceforth we assume we have placed into a form where
is non-zero. Then, for each
, the function
is a polynomial of one variable of degree exactly
, so it has
roots (counting multiplicity) by the fundamental theorem of algebra. Let us call these set of roots
, thus
From Rouché’s theorem we know that the zero set varies continuously in in the following sense: for any
, each point of
will stay within
of some point in
is sufficiently close to
. (In other words,
is continuous with respect to Hausdorff distance.) We also see that the elements in
grow at most polynomially in
. For some values of
, some of these roots in
may be repeated. For instance, if
, then
, which has a double root at
. However, if this occurs for some
, the the degree
and the degree
have a common root
. This only occurs when the resultant
vanishes. From the definition of the resultant we see that
is a polynomial in
, and furthermore we have a Bezout identity
where are polynomials of degree at most
respectively, with coefficients that are polynomials in
. The resultant cannot vanish identically, as this would mean that
viewed as polynomials in
, which contradicts unique factorisation and the irreducibility of
cannot divide the lower degree polynomials
. Thus the resultant can only vanish for a finite number of
, and so for all but finitely many
the roots of
are distinct, thus
has cardinality exactly
is non-vanishing at each element of
From this and the inverse function theorem we see that for outside of a finite number of points (known as ramification points), the set
varies holomorphically with
. Locally, one can thus describe
as a family
of holomorphic functions, although the order in which one labels these points is arbitrary, as one varies
around one of the ramification points, theis ordering may be permuted (consider for instance the case
goes around the origin, in which we can write
for various branches of the square root function).
Now suppose that is disconnected, so it splits into two non-empty clopen subsets
. At each non-ramified point
, the set
meets some subset of
. In local coordinates, the
are distinct and vary continuously with
, the number of points in which
is locally constant; since
with finitely many points removed is connected, this number is then globally constant, thus there is
such that
has cardinality precisely
. This lets us factor
, where
is the degree
and is the degree
The coefficients of these polynomials are functions of that vary holomorphically with
outside of the ramification points; they also stay bounded as one approaches these points and grow at most polynomially. Hence (by the generalised Liouville theorem) they depend polynomially on
, thus
are in fact a polynomial jointly in
. But this contradicts the irreducibility of
, unless
. We conclude that
is connected after deleting its ramification points. But from the continuous dependence of
, the ramification points adhere to the rest of
(the zeroes of
are stable under small perturbations, even at points of ramification), so that
is connected, proving the proposition.
Now we prove the theorem. The case can be done by hand, so assume
. Let
be an irreducible homogeneous polynomial of degree
. Then
is an irreducible polynomial of degree
(it cannot be less than
, as this will make
contain a power of
which makes it reducible since
). As a consequence, we see from the proposition that the affine part
is connected; similarly if we replace the condition
. As these three pieces of
cover the whole zero locus, it will suffice to show that they intersect each other; for instance, it will suffice to show that the zero set of
is not completely contained in any line. But this is clear from the proof of the proposition, which shows that (after a linear transformation) almost every vertical line meets this zero set in