Theoryfest recap and FOCS call for workshops
Windows On Theory 2018-08-02
I just came back from a wonderful TheoryFest in LA. There was a fantastic program, including not just the paper presentations, but also tutorials, keynote talks, plenary short papers, and workshops, as well as other events including the junior/senior lunches, STOC 50th birthday, and probably others that I am forgetting right now.
Still, while we are all taking down our TheoryFest trees, we can remind ourselves that there are other holidays on the theory calendar. In particular FOCS 2018 will be in October in Paris, and it also contains a “workshop and tutorial day”. If you want to organize a workshop or tutorial, see the call for proposals. Key points are:
- Workshop and Tutorial Day: Saturday, October 6, 2018 (Paris)
- Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chairs: Robert Kleinberg and James R. Lee
- Submission deadline: August 1st, 2018
- Notification: August 6th, 2018
- Send proposals and questions to
There are worse things in life than organizing a workshop in Paris..