New summer school in TCS

Windows On Theory 2021-03-29

Shuchi Chawla, Madhur Tulsiani, and I are organizing a new summer school aimed at exposing undergraduate students to research directions in theoretical computer science and its applications. The school will take place from May 31 till June 4, 2021. This first iteration will be online, but we hope it will become a recurring and lasting event.  See for the webpage. We already have 4 exciting instructors signed up – Antonio Blanca, Jelani Nelson, Nicole Immorlica, and Yael Kalai. We plan to have both technical tutorials / mini-courses and networking/social events. This course is aimed at undergraduate students, and in particular students from groups that are currently under-represented in our field. If you are a faculty member in a university, we would be grateful if you can spread the announcement below to both your colleagues, and any mailing lists for undergraduate students, and in particular chapters of affinity groups such as the National Society of Black Engineers, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, National Center for Women & Information Technology, etc.

The committee for advancement of theoretical computer science (CATCS) is organizing an online  summer course that will take place on May 31 till June 4, 2021. New horizons in theoretical computer science is a week-long online summer school which will expose undergraduates to exciting research areas in the area of theoretical computer science and its applications. The school will contain several mini-courses from top researchers in the field. The course is free of charge,and we welcome applications from undergraduates majoring in computer science or related fields. We particularly encourage applications from students that are members of groups that are currently under-represented in theoretical computer science. 

The course is intended for currently enrolled undergraduate students that are majoring in computer science or related fields. Students will be expected to be familiar with the material typically taught in introductory algorithms and discrete mathematics / mathematics for computer science courses. If you are unsure if you are prepared for the course, please write to us at To apply for the course, please visit and fill in the application form by April 15, 2021Course organizers: Boaz Barak (Harvard), Shuchi Chawla (UT Austin), Madhur Tulsiani (TTI-Chicago)

Current list of confirmed instructors: Ashia Wilson (MIT), Antonio Blanca (Penn State University), Jelani Nelson (UC Berkeley), Nicole Immorlica (Microsoft Research), Yael Kalai (Microsoft research).

Please email with any questions.