Stanley’s theory of P-partitions and the Hook Formula
Wildon's Weblog 2020-03-22
The aim of this post is to introduce Stanley’s theory of labelled -partitions and, as an application, give a short motivated proof of the Hook Formula for the number of standard Young tableaux of a given shape. In fact we prove the stronger
-analogue, in which hook lengths are replaced with quantum integers. All the ideas may be found in Chapter 7 of Stanley’s book Enumerative Combinatorics II so, in a particularly strong sense, no originality is claimed.
The division into four parts below and the recaps at the start of each part have the aim of reducing notational overload (the main difficulty in the early parts), while also giving convenient places to take a break.
Part 1: Background on arithmetic partitions
Recall that an arithmetic partition of size is a weakly decreasing sequence of natural numbers whose sum is
. For example, there are
partitions of
with at most three parts, namely
as represented by the Young diagrams shown below.
Since the Young diagram of a partition into at most parts is uniquely determined by its number of columns of lengths
, such partitions are enumerated by the generating function
For example contributes to the coefficient of
, obtained when we expand the geometric series by choosing
then from
and finally from
Now suppose that we are only interested in partitions where the first part is strictly bigger than the second. Then the Young diagram must have a column of size , and so we replace
in the generating function with
. Since the coefficient of
above is
, it follows (without direct enumeration) that there are
such partitions. What if the second part must also be strictly bigger than the third? Then the Young diagram must have a column of size
, and so we also replace
. (I like to see this by mentally removing the first row: the remaining diagram then has a column of size
, by the case just seen.) By a routine generalization we get the following result: partitions with at most
parts such that the
th largest part is strictly more than the
th largest part for all
are enumerated by
Part 2:
Let be a poset with partial order
. A
-partition is an order-preserving function
For example, if with the usual order then
is the sequence of values of a
-partition if and only if
. Thus, by removing any initial zeros and reversing the sequence,
-partitions are in bijection with arithmetic partitions having at most
I should mention that it is more usual to write rather than
. More importantly, Stanley’s original definition has ‘order-preserving’ rather than ‘order-reversing’. This fits better with arithmetic partitions, and plane-partitions, but since our intended application is to reverse plane-partitions and semistandard Young tableaux, the definition as given (and used for instance in Stembridge’s generalization) is most convenient.
Reversed plane partitions
Formally the Young diagram of the partition is the set
of boxes. We partially order the boxes by (the transitive closure of) and
. This is shown diagramatically below.
For this partial order, -partitions correspond to assignments of non-negative integers to
such that that the rows and columns are weakly increasing when read left to right and top to bottom. For example, three of the
-partitions of size
are shown below
Such assignments are known as reverse plane partitions. The proof of the Hook Formula given below depends on finding the generating function for reverse plane partitions in two different ways: first using the general theory of -partitions, and then in a more direct way, for instance using the Hillman–Grassl bijection.
As a warm-up, we replace with the smaller partition
, so now
, ordered by
. Comparing
, we divide the
-partitions into two disjoint classes: those with
, and those with
. The first class satisfy
and so are in bijection with arithmetic partitions with at most parts. The second class satisfy
so are in bijection with arithmetic partitions with at most parts, whose largest part is strictly the largest. By the first section we deduce that
The cancellation to leave a unit numerator shows one feature of the remarkably nice generating function for reverse plane partitions revealed in the final part below.
A surprisingly helpful way to keep track of the weak/strong inequalities seen above is to label the poset elements by natural numbers. We define a labelling of a poset of size
to be a bijective function
. Suppose that
in the order on
. Either
, in which case we say the labelling is natural for
, or
, in which case we say the labelling is strict for
. A
-partition is then an order preserving function
such that if
is a covering relation and
(natural) then
(strict) then
Note that the role of the labelling is only to distinguish weak/strong inequalities: the poset itself determines whether or
for each comparable pair
Let denote the set of
-partitions. For example, if
as in the example above, then the
-partitions are precisely the
-partitions for any all-natural labelling; the two choices are
Working with , the partitions with
form the set
is the total order refining
such that
and the partitions with form the set
The division of -partitions above is an instance of the following result.
Fundamental Lemma. Let be a poset with partial order
and let
be a labelling. Then
where the union over all total orders refining
is disjoint.
Proof. Every partition appears in the right-hand side for some
: just choose
so that if
and if
. On the other hand, suppose that
is in both
. Choose
incomparable under
and such that
. From
we get
and from
we get
. Therefore
. Now using the labelling for the first time, we may suppose without loss of generality that
, and using that
we get
, a contradiction.
Suggested exercise.
Show that the generating functions enumerating and
there are respectively and
linear extensions that must be considered.
Part 3: Permutations
Recall that is a poset,
is a bijective labelling and that a
-partition is a function
such that if
, with strict inequality whenever
Connection with permutations
We write permutations of in one-line form as
. Recall that
has a descent in position
Example. Let ,
be the partial order used above to enumerate
, as labelled by
. The total order
corresponds under
to the identity permutation
, with no descents. The total order
corresponds under
to the permutation
, with descent set
In general, let be a total order refining
. Let
and consider the elements
. In any
we have
, with strict inequality if and only if
. Therefore, using the total order
to identify
with a function on
, i.e.
, we require
for all
, with strict inequality if and only if
. Equivalently,
with strict inequality whenever there is a descent in the permutation
corresponding under
. Conversely, a permutation
corresponds to a total order refining
if and only if
appears left of
. Therefore Stanley’s Fundamental Lemma may be restated as follows.
Fundamental Lemma restated. Let be a poset with partial order
and let
be a labelling such that if
appears before
. Then, using the labelling
to identity elements of
with functions on
where is the set of all functions
such that
with strict inequality whenever
, and the union is disjoint.
Such sequences correspond to partitions whose th largest part is strictly more than their
th largest part (which might be zero), and so are enumerated by
The power of in the numerator is, by the standard definition, the comajor index of the permutation
We enumerate . There are
extensions of the partial order on
corresponding under the labelling
to the permutations with descent sets
and comajor indices
, respectively. By the restatement of the fundamental lemma and the following remark,
We end this part by digressing to outline a remarkably short proof of an identity due to MacMahon enumerating permutations by major index and descent count.
If and all elements are incomparable under
, then a
-partition is simply a function
- How are such partitions enumerated by the restated Fundamental Lemma?
- Deduce that
where the sum is over all permutations of
- Give an involution on permutations that preserves the number of descents and swaps the comajor and major indices. Deduce that
can be replaced with
The argument at the start of this post shows that enumerates partitions with at most
parts by their size (power of
) and largest part (power of
- Show that partitions whose
th largest part is strictly larger than their
th largest part for all
are enumerated in this sense by
- Let
be the number of compositions with
parts having
as their largest part. Show that
is the number of descents of
- Deduce that
- Hence prove MacMahon’s identity
Part 4: Proof of the Hook Formula
The restated Fundamental Lemma for reverse plane partitions
Fix a partition of size
and let
be the poset with elements the boxes of the Young diagram
ordered by (the transitive closure of)
. Let
be the sum of the
largest parts of
, and define a labelling
so that the boxes in row
of the Young diagram
are labelled
. (This labelling was seen for
in the example at the end of the previous part.) Since this label is all-natural, the
-partitions are precisely the reversed plane partitions of shape
. By the restated Fundamental Lemma and the following remark we get
where the sum is over all permutation such that the linear order defined by
. Equivalently, as seen in Part 3 and the final example, the label
appears before both
and before
in the one-line form of
(when the boxes exist). This says that
. Therefore, when we put
in the box of
with label
, we get a standard tableau. Moreover,
has a descent in position
, if and only if
appears to the right of
in the one-line form of
. Therefore defining
, where the sum is over all
appearing strictly below
, we have
. We conclude that
where is the set of standard tableaux of shape
For example we saw at the end of the previous part that the refinements of when
correspond to the permutations
Their comajor indices are ,
, their inverses are
and the corresponding standard tableaux, obtained by putting in the box of
Here the final tableau has strictly above
strictly above
, so its comajor index is
Hillman–Grassl algorithm
Since this post is already rather long, I will refer to Section 7.22 of Stanley Enumerative Combinatorics II or, for a more detailed account that gives the details of how to invert the algorithm, Section 4.2 of Sagan The symmetric group: representations, combinatorial algorithms and symmetric functions. For our purposes, all we need is the remarkable corollary that
where is the hook-length of the box
. We saw the special cases for the partitions
This formula can also be derived by letting in Stanley’s Hook Content Formula: see Theorem 7.21.2 in Stanley’s book, or Theorem 2.6 in this joint paper with Rowena Paget, where we give the representation theoretic context.
Proof of the Hook Formula
Combining the results of the two previous subsections we get
Equivalently, using the quantum integer notation and
, we have
This is the -analogue of the Hook Formula; the weaker normal version is obtained by setting
to get