A proof of Poncelet Porism with two circles

Power Overwhelming 2024-07-03

Brian Lawrence showed me the following conceptual proof of Poncelet porism in the case of two circles, which I thought was neat and wanted to sketch here. (This is only a sketch, since I’m not really defining the integration.)

Let {P} be a point on the outer circle, and let {Q} be the point you get when you take the counterclockwise tangent from {P} to the inner circle. Consider what happens if we nudge the point {P} by a small increment {dP}.


The similar triangles in power of a point then give us the approximation

\displaystyle \frac{dP}{t(P)} = \frac{dQ}{t(Q)}

where {t(X)} is the length of the tangent from {X} on the large circle to the smaller one. (Note that because we’re working with circles, the definition of {t} doesn’t care about clockwise vs counterclockwise tangent).

Now, suppose {(P_0, P_1, P_2, \dots, P_n)} be a sequence of points on the large circle such that {P_i P_{i+1}} is the counterclockwise tangent to the inner circle for all {i}. Now, suppose {(P_0', P_1', P_2', \dots, P_n')} be another such sequence where {P_0'} is slightly counterclockwise of {P_0}. Then we have the integral relations

\displaystyle \int_{P_0}^{P'_0} \frac{dX}{t(X)} = \int_{P_1}^{P'_1} \frac{dX}{t(X)} = \int_{P_2}^{P'_2} \frac{dX}{t(X)} = \dots = \int_{P_n}^{P'_n} \frac{dX}{t(X)}.

So if {P_0 = P_n}, it follows {P_0' = P_n'} as well. Hence Poncelet’s closure theorem is proved.