Much of what I hear about biology

Thoughts 2023-10-16

Much of what I hear about biology reminds me of when I was tinkering with computers without knowing how to program them. I would change the name of files in games so I could play with a different sprite, look at the machine code and change a number here or there to have more lives.

Today they do gene-editing, genetically-modified organisms, cloning, etc. So we don’t really understand what is going on but we can modify it here and there, and re-use it. But what would be really cool is to design something completely new that hasn’t existed, something better, a new animal, a new food, to program it from scratch with the language of nature, to create living organisms with fully redesigned DNA.

And that is why computer science rocks. It’s like biology, but you understand the language. Admittedly, once we understand it, the language of biology could be a bigger game.