The Monoidal Grothendieck Construction
Azimuth 2019-08-20
My grad student Joe Moeller is talking at the 4th Symposium on Compositional Structures this Thursday! He’ll talk about his work with Christina Vasilakopolou, a postdoc here at U.C. Riverside. Together they created a monoidal version of a fundamental construction in category theory: the Grothendieck construction! Here is their paper:
• Joe Moeller and Christina Vasilakopoulou, Monoidal Grothendieck construction.
The monoidal Grothendieck construction plays an important role in our team’s work on network theory, in at least two ways. First, we use it to get a symmetric monoidal category, and then an operad, from any network model. Second, we use it to turn any decorated cospan category into a ‘structured cospan category’. I haven’t said anything about structured cospans yet, but they are an alternative approach to open systems, developed by my grad student Kenny Courser, that I’m very excited about. Stay tuned!
The Grothendieck construction turns a functor
into a category equipped with a functor
The construction is quite simple but there’s a lot of ideas and terminology connected to it: for example a functor is called an indexed category since it assigns a category to each object of while the functor is of a special sort called a fibration.
I think the easiest way to learn more about the Grothendieck construction and this new monoidal version may be Joe’s talk:
• Joe Moeller, Monoidal Grothendieck construction, SYCO4, Chapman University, 22 May 2019.
Abstract. We lift the standard equivalence between fibrations and indexed categories to an equivalence between monoidal fibrations and monoidal indexed categories, namely weak monoidal pseudofunctors to the 2-category of categories. In doing so, we investigate the relation between this global monoidal structure where the total category is monoidal and the fibration strictly preserves the structure, and a fibrewise one where the fibres are monoidal and the reindexing functors strongly preserve the structure, first hinted by Shulman. In particular, when the domain is cocartesian monoidal, lax monoidal structures on a functor to Cat bijectively correspond to lifts of the functor to MonCat. Finally, we give some indicative examples where this correspondence appears, spanning from the fundamental and family fibrations to network models and systems.
To dig deeper, try this talk Christina gave at the big annual category theory conference last year:
• Christina Vasilakopoulou, Monoidal Grothendieck construction, CT2018, University of Azores, 10 July 2018.
Then read Joe and Christina’s paper!
Here is the Grothendieck construction in a nutshell: