Can Alphabet’s Jigsaw Solve Google’s Most Vexing Proble | Fast Company

kiratebbe's bookmarks 2017-10-24


And therein lies Jigsaw’s true ROI. If virulent toxicity and cybersecurity problems continue to infect tech’s biggest platforms, they could represent an existential threat to Silicon Valley’s bottom line. “A lot of these issues are driving at [tech’s] core business interests,” says the WEF’s Krieger. “If Facebook and Google become havens for extremist speech, bullying, terrorist content, fake news, videos of beheadings—then they become platforms nobody wants to spend time on.”


From feeds:

Harmful Speech » kiratebbe's bookmarks
Harmful Speech » amarashar's bookmarks


Date tagged:

10/24/2017, 22:32

Date published:

10/24/2017, 10:35