YouTube Slaps a Feel-Good Band-Aid on Its Fake-News Problem | Vanity Fair

kiratebbe's bookmarks 2018-03-22


Any millennial who’s written a research paper in the past decade has been warned against citing Wikipedia, the crowdsourced digital encyclopedia that’s readily accessible via a quick Google search. Though its information is typically reliable, the donation-funded, volunteer-edited site is also vulnerable to hoaxes, making it, in the jargon of high-school history teachers, a “trust, but verify” source. Yet it seems that YouTube, a $799 billion, ad-driven platform, is falling back on Wikipedia to get a handle on its own fake-news woes. On Tuesday, C.E.O. Susan Wojcicki announced at a SXSW event that the company will begin to include links to related Wikipedia articles next to videos about contentious topics.


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Date tagged:

03/22/2018, 16:50

Date published:

03/22/2018, 12:50