YouTubers like asapSCIENCE, Smarter Every Day may help teach kids about fake news - Polygon

kiratebbe's bookmarks 2018-03-26


Google wants to invest $10 million over the next two years in supporting literacy efforts, including media literacy, and is partnering with YouTubers to help teach kids how to spot fake news.

YouTubers like asapSCIENCE, an award-winning science channel with more than 7 million subscribers, and Smarter Every Day, another science channel with more than 5.5 million subscribers, are a couple of creators whom YouTube is planning to work with, according to a company representative. Both asapSCIENCE and Smarter Every Day have expressed interest helping with the initiative, according to a rep, and more information is expected to be released in the coming months prior to the program’s launch.


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Date tagged:

03/26/2018, 14:03

Date published:

03/26/2018, 10:03