“Fake News” Offers Latin American Consolidated Powers An Opportunity to Censor Opponents
kiratebbe's bookmarks 2018-03-28
Today’s headlines are dominated by the role of misinformation campaigns or “fake news” in undermining democracy in the West. From ongoing accusations of Russian meddling in Trump’s election to Russian efforts to sway the Brexit and French Presidential election votes, these countries are confronting “fake news” as an ongoing and urgent threat to democracy. Yet in Latin America, where misinformation campaigns have prevailed throughout the twentieth century, concerns over “fake news” are hardly new. Latin American media concentration, disinformation campaigns, and biased coverage have long undermined informed civic discourse.
Efforts to keep “fake news” in check are spreading across Latin America. Disinformation campaigns cannot serve to wreck democracy and free speech. EFF will be monitoring this issue as this year’s Latin American elections progress.
https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2018/03/fake-news-offers-latin-american-consolidated-powers-opportunity-censor-opponentsFrom feeds:
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