EDITORIAL: Shame on social media bullies | Opinion | goshennews.com

kiratebbe's bookmarks 2018-04-02


As The Goshen News expands its efforts to grow its social media reach, there’s an ongoing discussion about how best to handle the comments posted by Facebook users. As fierce defenders of the First Amendment and the freedom of speech, we encourage civil discourse, but also the right to have differing opinions.

Unfortunately, certain stories seem to bring out the worst in people and require us to step in when comments rise above rude, condescending and hurtful and enter into the category of threatening or defamatory. When people communicate via the comments section instead of face-to-face, it becomes much easier to scream insults rather than speak calmly.



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Harmful Speech » kiratebbe's bookmarks


Date tagged:

04/02/2018, 11:27

Date published:

04/02/2018, 07:27