How Feminists in China Are Using Emoji to Avoid Censorship | WIRED

kiratebbe's bookmarks 2018-04-02


SHORTLY AFTER THE close of this year’s International Women’s Day, China’s Twitter-like service Sina Weibo shut down Feminist Voices. With 180,000 followers, the group’s social media account was one of the most important advocacy channels for spreading information about women’s issues in China, but in an instant, it was gone. A few hours later, the private messaging app WeChat also shuttered an account for the group. The official reasons for the closures were vague, simply that the accounts had posted content that violated regulations, but the subtext was clear: the country’s highly-monitored media was trying to silence women’s advocates.


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Harmful Speech » kiratebbe's bookmarks


Date tagged:

04/02/2018, 16:00

Date published:

04/02/2018, 12:00