Free speech vs. hate speech on Facebook - Technology & science - Tech and gadgets - Technotica | NBC News
kiratebbe's bookmarks 2018-05-01
Yet these complaints pale in comparison with today’s epic Facebook fail. At least if you live in Pakistan. On Wednesday, Pakistan’s government ordered Internet services to block Facebook over “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day,” a user-posted page that encourages others to draw a picture of Islam’s Prophet Muhammad, an act prohibited by the religion, and found offensive by more than just the government.
[ Update : Public protests against Facebook continued on Thursday, and access to YouTube and more than 450 Web sites, are now blocked for anti-Islamic content, according to a Pakistan government statement. Wikipedia and Flickr may be included among the sites, though it is not yet clear if inaccessibility is due to a glitch or deliberate ban.]
Turns out in Pakistan, if Facebook does something people don't like, they actually stop using it. According to the Associated Press, about 2,000 female students rallied in Karachi against the social network, and several dozen male students gathered with signs “urging Islamic holy war against those who blaspheme the prophet.” When it comes to “Terms and Conditions,” navigating “hate speech” is a bigger challenge what to do about your previously “private” profile information .