"Don't Forget the Children" - Hit & Run : Reason.com

kiratebbe's bookmarks 2018-05-07


Flickr, the popular photo sharing site owned by Yahoo, took down Dutch photographer Maarten Dors’ pictures of a Romanian teenage boy smoking a cigarette, arguing that it broke the site’s rules for appropriate photos. Dors says he didn’t intend to glorify smoking, but to document the living conditions in one of Eastern Europe’s less prosperous countries. Someone from Yahoo put the photo back on Dors’ profile, but another employee who was unfamiliar with the exception took it down a few months later. Someone else later put the picture back up, and it's still there, for now.



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Harmful Speech » kiratebbe's bookmarks


Date tagged:

05/07/2018, 12:01

Date published:

05/07/2018, 08:01