'Don't feed the trolls': Racism on YouTube - CNN

kiratebbe's bookmarks 2018-05-07


"YouTube's guidelines against hate speech and harassment apply to comments as well as videos," a YouTube spokesperson told CNN. "We encourage people to flag inappropriate comments using the Help & Safety Tool so that we can remove anything that breaks the rules. We also give video owners tools for managing comments on their channels -- they can moderate comments, remove individual comments, or disable commenting completely." But Korn, a researcher who focuses on cultural issues online, said the site is not unique. "YouTube in and of itself isn't some special device," she said. "It's actually a reflection of the culture that we're in right now. There's a reason that folks feel empowered to say things online that they would not say in person. In person, you almost want to dare them to say something like that, because they wouldn't get away with it."



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Harmful Speech ยป kiratebbe's bookmarks


Date tagged:

05/07/2018, 15:13

Date published:

05/07/2018, 11:13