The return of the YouTube troll: Google ends its 'real name' commenter policy | Technology | The Guardian

kiratebbe's bookmarks 2018-05-07


Google has reversed a policy that forced users of Google+ to use their real names, allowing anonymous commenting to recommence on YouTube after an eight-month hiatus. The search giant’s social network, Google+, required users to register and use a proper name for their accounts, although the company did not verify the name given was a user’s real name. In an attempt to improve the notoriously poor quality comments on most YouTube videos, Google migrated YouTube comments to a Google+ powered system bringing with it the real name restrictions of the social network in November 2013.


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Harmful Speech » kiratebbe's bookmarks


Date tagged:

05/07/2018, 15:18

Date published:

05/07/2018, 11:18